Sunday, March 13, 2011


What did you think of the Design 200 course this quarter?

I thought it Sucked!!!

Just kidding Gabe.

I thought it was a very good class. It was a good introductory to design class. A good balance between learning and work.

Stuff i liked/learned:
-exposure to other designers and what they have done.
-exposure to color theory
-an appreciation for chairs.
-a creative look at everyday items
-the deep dive
-RIP; remix manifesto
-learned about designers and what they designed
-Ted talks
-Final project
-i enjoyed the blog responses, it was much easier for me to write than say if we had to do a short essay.

I thought the Design like you give a damn and Design for the other 90% was very interesting. I know it's more of an industrial design stuff but I would have enjoyed focusing on that a bit more.

Stuff i thought was just OK
-Paul Rand movie - (did not understood a thing he said)
-Haskett reading (felt like a business course reading that thing)



J09 link
J08 Link

The project went very well for our group. From the start we had a people who were open to new and interesting ideas which created a positive atmosphere that allowed our group to have a successful brainstorming session. Our team met on Sunday the night before our presentation to put the final items together. We decided to use Prezi which was the money maker. It was a bad A** alternative to PowerPoint. Even if we presented the most boring subject at least it would have been fun to look at. We had a well diverse team, we had someone who was good at Photoshop, a good sketch artist, and hardworking responsible people.

I put the majority of the Prezi presentation together, It was a really fun program to learn, very user friendly and easy to create. Choosing the path for the presentation to flow was the funnest part. It was where the creativity of organization flowed. Putting the information in a way that it would tell a story and made the most logical sense. From our process to what our product was and how we came to that conclusion to the technology that would make it work. And then finally our Kiosk and way we would get people's attention when they entered our store. I felt our group was really effective. What could I have done more? I think is should have found more ways to present the text information in forms of pictures instead of text. This was a great team effort and everyone pulled their weight.

Monday, March 7, 2011

J09 A05

The project is coming along well. We made final decisions on what our product will be. We brainstormed on our kiosk ideas and packaging. The creative process was very smooth when we realized we had to make final decisions. Our group worked really well together. Everyone contributed to the whole project in one way or another.

I have brought a lot of ideas to the table, some were used, some were just to generate more ideas, and some were just to lighten the mood. With the information collected from the group i created the presentation. I feel like i do a good job of organizing the information that was need for our presentation. I really enjoyed the project so far.

Monday, February 28, 2011


The future of design is limitless. even in the realm of aesthetic each generation has their own insight into what is pleasing. The material that objects can be made of changes with the progress made in material science. The world is pretty much our playground. Design in this books speaks a lot about technical stuff and it brings into light how interrelated design is with other areas of studies, from cultural to business. It's a complex balance of creativity and problem solving. I feel like the books we have been reading has been geared towards mostly Industrial designers.


So far we've come up with a couple of good ideas for our project. I have been contributing to the brainstrooming by providing ideas and expanding on others. I think our group is very good with brainstorming, people have not been judging other's people idea, it enable other people to contribute without the fear of being judge. We just need to move out of the brainstorming stage and start making Sketches of what we want it to look like. We also need to start thinking about packaging and marketing. I feel very confident in my team most of our ideas have been written down and attached to the e-mails. All the sketches have been kept. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

RR07, CR07

This week we had some guest speaker. We did the marshmallow challenge.. we got second place. Which is pretty good considering a few of the other groups didn't have standing structure. I thought the most difficult part in that challenge is trying to get the whole group to agree on what to do. Team work was important and so was designating task. Each person had their own ideas on what they wanted to do. I was a little annoyed because they wouldn't listen when i told them that their design wouldn't be structurally strong enough to hold the marshmallow up, but luckily we came to an agreement within the last minute of it and was able to build supporting structure to hold it up. We did really well at dividing task, each person seemed to know what they need to do without much instruction. The presentation was interesting to see the amount of work that goes into each project. It seemed like a lot of work. But there seems to be a good relationship between effort and reward. It seems like if you work hard on your stuff you get out a good design/product. It's encouraging to hear one of the guy say that you don't have to be a good drawer to make it through design. I've always heard that your drawing skill is pretty much your bread and butter for landing a job.

The reading was kinda boring, it felt like something i would read for a business class. It brought up some interesting ideas in the last chapter about future. I'm actually really excited to see technology in the next 20 years. It is true that most of the design we interact with everyday are made for the middle and upper class. Thinking about it and after doing the research on design like you give a damn and design for the other 90%, if minds that are engaging in the design of commercial products put their effort into design for impoverished and developing countries, imagine the impact. However, there is little to none to be profited in term of money wise. 



2.The North Face

4.schwarzwolf outdoors


Nike Golf


North Face

Samsung tv

Really expensive lounge

Furniture Fair in NY

Indoor home goods: Stuff that was designed for use inside of ones household.

i think it's a coffee maker


tv that ordinary Americans have in their homes.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Dean Kamen Prosthetic arm

Amy Smith

RR06, CR06

The reading this week was pretty long. For the most part it brought up challenging dilemmas. It seems like we got screwed by the industrial revolution, and we're still using the same system of operation that got us screwed in the first place. It's kinda like sticking to what we know what works. I liked how they described today's industrial infrastructure as linear- the goal is to get products to consumer as quick as possible without much consideration for other consequences. The cradle to grave model for design. I thought it was interesting how in this particular situation universal design did more harm than good. They used Detergent as an example. I never though universal design could do the type of damage it described. However it seems like according to the book everything i touch and eat is slowly killing me. Which starts to get a little annoying. But they did have some logic to back up their claim, whereas my proof comes from the logic of "if it doesn't kill you, it'll make you stronger" maybe i should change that if i want to live to see grandchildren. They brought up some interesting point about mono-culture I agree that nature and biodiversity is better for the ecosystem...however we don't have enough farmers or land to feed our country without using the aid of chemicals and specialized farming. That's kinda an interesting problem to toggle around in your head.

The RIP! a remix manifesto was pretty entertaining. The rule of copyright is so complicated. Like the movie stated, just don't piss off the people who has the money to sue you. Luckily as a student most of the things i used are for academic purposes so that's kinda a loop hole around that. But i feel like people always building on the creative idea of others. I mean that ted talk i linked to a while back about "ideas having sex" and how the modern design of a mouse reflects the design of the a flint head back thousands of years ago. Oh it also reminds me of this pretty cool site that one of my instructor told me about a while back it's hitrecord It's pretty much the same concept.. ideas having sex. So pretty much you post up something and someone else can take it, add stuff, repost.. and others do the same until you have something interesting.

Monday, February 7, 2011


So i commute, i decided to do the trip to the library hoping that it would be easy to spot a bunch of stuff... it wasn't. I voice recorded the trip there and then just typed it out later.

1.     There's a car in my neighborhood that has the license plate "SGT MOM"
2.     All the houses in my neighborhood are really different from the one next to them
3.     There's only one house that has a flag pole in my neighborhood.
4.     Apparently The street name on the other side of the intersection exiting my neighborhood is different than my side.
5.     They are construction a "menards" in the northland area mall.
6.     Theses lights on the street i'm on have alternating red and greens (stupid)
7.     The Ladder/Engine at the corner of karl and morse is also a police station.
8.     There are camera's at the main intersection
9.     The no turn on red sign is electronically controlled instead of a street sign
10.  There's a homeless guy standing on the entrance to the 71S
11. The median on 71S is really small.. probably why i never see  a cop sitting there
12. The free way signs are all green.
13.  People do not use turn signals anymore
14. There are a lot of pot holes especially between the merging lane
15.  Everybody still text while driving
16.  Guy driving really slow in the left lane because he's talking on the phone
17.  SUV in front of me tire pressure is really low
18.  There's another homeless guy standing on the 71 and hudson exit.
19. There's a red light camera at the corner of maynard and summit.
20. Girl walking home wearing sweat pants and ugg
21. Girl walking home walking wearing black rain boots
22.  Columbus police officer sitting at a gas station
23.  Construction on woodruff and college is done.
24.  More people walking around on all with backpacks
25.  Haggerty drive needs to be repaved.
26. There's construction on the south oval
27.  There's a osupd car parked at the union
28.  The parking signs on haggerty drives are all Reserved for OSU staff
29.  Handicap parking spaces
30.  People walking across the oval
31. There's a lot of those blue e-phones on campus
32. There's a lot of light poles on campus
33.  Trash cans
34. Wooden benches
35. Tables
36.  Trash on the ground
37.  Mirror lake almost frozen over
38.  Thompson library has steps in between the double doors.
39. There is an art display area
40. The circulation desk is the first thing you see entering the library from the oval side
41.  There's a really big open area that doesn't seem to serve any purpose right after the circulation desk.
42.  There are steps everywhere at thompson library
43.  The main elevator is hidden by all the book shelves
44.  It seems like it would hard to navigate to the elevator if you're in a wheel chair.
45. There are very few handicap tables at thompson
46.  Lots of books that seem useless
47.  There seem to be a 50/50 between people who have mac laptops and other brands
48.  Girls wearing Uggs
49. People using mac headphones
50.  A guy wearing those large headphones with the number 6 on the side of them

RR05 CR05

The idea of cradle to cradle is pretty interesting. The idea of eliminating the concept of waste instead of reduce, minimize, or avoid waste. The book made some interesting point that most products aren't design further than their use. It made me think of the stuff in my house and how much of a hassle it would be to properly dispose of them. Old computers, television, microwaves, mattress etc. For the most part I've been aware of climate change and some of the consequences it has on our planet. However, when i think of reducing the affect i think of putting regulation on large companies and corporation on how they do business. I rarely think that the problem can be greatly reducing through the design of every day items. Some of the ideas presented on the power point were pretty cool too.

Color theory was actually really interesting to me, The last time i looked at a color wheel was back in middle school. It's fascinating to see the cultural association people have to certain colors. I didn't really know the vocabulary to describe color either so that was interesting to learn for a bit. The part about color harmonies and color interaction was really cool. especially the advancing and receding colors. Listening to the Ted talks was interesting, they really make get the creative juice going. The guy who wrote the book cradle to cradle had a really mono tone voice, but his presentation was interesting. His concept and idea were creative. However i am kind of curious what kind of research he did on the affect it would have in that society. Kind of an anthropological approach. I mean he wants to puts farms on top of roof tops in the middle of a modern city. That would put two different class of people and mentality together. I wonder if that would create any conflict or difficulties. Food for thought i guess. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

RR04, CR04

This week we talked about Design for accessibility. Starting off with disabilities it seems like that is a difficult area  to design in without there being a separation. I really liked the idea of universal design and some of the examples in the power point were interesting. It got me looking around more at my surroundings and observing more than usual. We also watched the movie Hot Wheels. It was the wheel chair movie. I thought that was pretty awesome that technology exist that allow disabled people to be just as mobile as non disabled people. The part that blows was the cost of the thing, and that's also why i haven't seen one around. I feel like there is a half solution to everyone's problems just not ones that most people can afford.. hence half.

The scavenger hunt was fun. I've actually never been to the Wexner library or Knowlton library before so that was pretty cool to check those places out. The clues were fairly easy especially since we have access to the internet. Without out it, it would have been pretty challenging to figure who did what building. Knowlton had a tons of pretty interesting looking chairs. The building itself however wasn't to interesting. It was kind of dull.

The two chapters were pretty boring. Some parts were interesting but it was like things that you kind of already recognized and it just went farther in depth with it. The identities part was interesting, i mean whenever i see like brick roads or one of those old red telephone or like those round police hat i always think of england. I does seem that i do associates a certain level of trust to each company's product. Honda, i expect them to be hight reving low torque cars with great reliability and durability. Apple, i expect them to make cool stuff that doesn't break and its so easy to use i can give one to my parents. Transport system, rail ways, manufacturing process didn't really peak my interest. But i can appreciate what they do. It's interesting to think of globalization of signs though. It's kinda interesting to think that if no matter where you go in the world a stop sign is still a red octagonal sign.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Found Faces!


Scavenger Hunt!

Partner's Blog:

So after being given the clue, we read them in order from top to bottom. And remembered that the Barcelona Chair could be found either at Knowlton school of architecture or Wexner center for the arts. We decided to head to Wexner since it was the closest. After Finding the Barcelona chair, we decided to figure out all the other clues before moving on, we split up the work, i took the next two and my partner took the last two. We found The answers to the clue were the following location: Wexner Center for the arts, Thompson library, Science and Engineering library and Knowlton School of Architecture. And we decided to follow them in that order because it would be the most efficient route.

Clue 01 - @Wexner Library

The Barcelona Chair was designed by Mies van der Rohe
The interesting thing about the chair is that it's all one piece of stainless steel, there are no bolts in the frame.

Clue 02 - Knowlton

The Red and Blue chair was designed by Gerrit Rietveld in 1917
Hoping that his furniture would be eventually mass-produced rather than handcrafted, Rietveld aimed for simplicity in his construction. The pieces of wood that comprise the Red Blue Chair are in the standard lumbar size readily available at the time.

The Magazine i was reading was Topos 72: Design and Function

Clue 03 @ Wexner

The Wexner Center for the Arts was designed by Peter Eisenman.

The building was Eisenman first public building It was designed based on shifted grids that collide with each other. By basing the walls of rooms on different grids that are not parallel to each other, Eisenman disorients the people using the building.

There are a couple of design flaws in the building: The skylight leaked, and the glass walls let enough light to damage the art work. After a decade of the building being completed it was closed for a 3 year 15 million dollar renovation to fix the problem.

Clue 04 - @ Science and Engineering Library & Mathematics Tower

An interesting Architectural detail I found interesting were his long arched columns that he had running up the side of the walls.

The Science and Engineering Library and Mathematics Tower were both designed by Philip Johnson

Clue 05 - @Thompson Library

The Thompson Library were Designed by Acock & Associates

The library has been renovated 3 times since its construction. The first addition completed in 1951, a massive extension of the original three-floor structure, the addition of a 10-story tower, a single story extensions to the north and south ends of the east entrance. The second completed in 1977, added an unadorned modern extension to the west wing. The third completed in 2009 was a $108 million dollar renovation that included hazardous materials abatement, replacement and expansion of the 1977 addition, and restoration of the building's original east facade.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Giorgetto Giugiaro - Born August 7, 1938 Italian Automobile Designer

"I have designed cars for every major company but Honda, and one day I will do that,"

-August 2010 issue of Automobile Magazine

Named Car Designer of the Century in 1999, Inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame in 2002
In Addition to cars, Giugiaro also Designed Camera bodies for Nikon, Computer prototypes for Apple.

Giugiaro Designed a huge number of mass production cars, including popular models own by brands such as: Alfa Romeo, BMW, Ferrari, Ford, Lamborghini, Maserati. He was also responsible for numerous concept cars, such as Bugati EB218, Maserati Buran, Formula Hammer and the 1994 Firepoint.

In 1955 Giugiaro was hired at Fiat Special Vehicles styling center.
1959 Frustrated, he presents some drawings to Nuccio Bertone who hired him.

Giugiaro's first car was the Alfa Romeo 2000 in 1959

His second serious production model is the BMW  3200 CS

1968-71 Started his own company Italdesign.

1971 VW contracts Italdesign for several projects, and the final product is Golf

1973-1976 De Tomaso Mangusta

Ford Mustang

Alfa Romeo

Giugiaro most important milestone was when he launches is sharp-edged origami-like "folded paper" period in the 1970s it was a concept that was later adopted by most car manufacture around the world